National Capital Exhibition at the Canberra Visitors Centre

Image taken in gallery of the original working core of the Canberra Carillon

Location: Barrine Drive, Regatta Point, Commonwealth Park Parkes ACT 2600

Open weekdays 9 am – 5 pm, weekends 10 am – 4 pm, Entry is Free

Having not been in for a few years it was great to return to this exhibition. Housed in a round building overlooking the central basin of Lake Burley Griffin the curators have woven a story of Canberra from strands including indigenous, political, planning and personalities colours. Revitalised is the round model of the city with laser direction lighting to explain the features to eager crowds of school children who were a constant presence during our time in the space. The star of the show for us was the original working machinery of the carillon after it was replaced following 40 years of being pounded to produce pleasant peals that ring around the lakeside.


Contact: 02 6272 2902

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